Natural Tattoo Removal
Safe, Secure, Back to Normal
Natural tattoo removal. A safe cost effective treatment for eliminating unwanted tattoos. Whatever the reason for wanting a once loved tattoo removed- we have the solution! While laser has been the primary option it has not always been effective in eliminating all colors and often leaves behind an unsightly impression where the tattoo once was. Applause offers a new alternative that is safer, more effective and proven to be superior to laser procedures. Linda Paradis Magnetic Tattoo Remov procedure.

Removal Process
Over the years there have been many attempts at removing tattoos. Some of those methods have included surgical excision, Dermabrasion, salabrasion, Cryosurgery, and the most recent laser. Most methods don’t work as well as my procedure. My procedure is more superior in the following ways: Less expensive, About 50% to 75%, and fewer treatments than most other methods. Some tattoos have been moved with one or two treatments. Other removals take a few more sessions. There is no way of knowing what type of ink or how much and how deep the ink was put into your skin and skin types vary, so there is no guarantee on how many treatments will be needed to achieve satisfactory results. My method will lighten or REMOVE ALL COLORS of any tattoo and it doesn’t hurt. HOW MANY SESSIONS DO YOU NEED: There is no way of knowing what kind of ink or how much and how deep the ink was put into your skin and skin types vary, so there is no guarantee on how many treatments will be needed to achieve satisfactory results. Magnetic Tattoo Removal will lighten or remove all colors of any tattoos.

How Does This Work?
Magnetic Tattoo removal is a non-invasive technique that aims to remove tattoos using a handheld device that generates a magnetic field. The magnetic field creates a low frequency electric current that passes through the skin, which breaks down the ink particles in the tattoo. When the electric current passes through the skin, it causes the ink particles to vibrate, which generates heat and causes the particles to break down into smaller fragments. These fragments are then small enough for the body’s immune system to remove.

How Many Treatments
Most tattoos will seem lighter with removal of some ink after one treatment. Generally, with just a few treatments you will see significant results. We can usually remove your tattoo or permanent makeup in 50% to 75% fewer treatments than most other methods. Some tattoos have been removed with one or two treatments. Other removals take a few more sessions. There is no way of knowing what type of ink or how much and how deep the ink was put into your skin and skin types vary, so there is no Guarantee on how many treatments will be needed to achieve satisfactory results. My method will lighten or remove most colors of any tattoo.